Solomon, Qoheleth, and Kyle Korver: the Consequences of Our Actions

We’re nearing the end of the school year (phew!). One of the courses that I get to teach most Spring semesters is Introduction to Old Testament Poetry, which covers Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song. We just finished the unit which covers Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. These books, which both deal with wisdom, are incredibly different inContinue reading “Solomon, Qoheleth, and Kyle Korver: the Consequences of Our Actions”

A Case Against Making a (Priestly) Case Against Shorts

I wanted to take a short break from making posts about the Law and its cultural context to talk about how, sometimes, those cultural contexts and knowing something about how language works in ancient texts can help keep us away from bad arguments about our current culture. This post probably won’t be of much interestContinue reading “A Case Against Making a (Priestly) Case Against Shorts”